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Maptician (13)

Ready to learn more about Maptician? Check out Maptician in the News!

Maptician CEO On Law Firm Office Design In The Hybrid Era

As more attorneys today favor hybrid work, some law firms are adapting their existing office space and return-to-office strategies with technologies that optimize hybrid office designs.

Managing The Hybrid Office Of The Future With A Couple Clicks

Maptician is the office real estate tool crafted for this moment.

This San Francisco Firm Is Poised for 100% Hoteling. But It Needs Technology to Make It Work

As Farella Braun + Martel prepares to eliminate fixed offices, it's turned to a technology startup to help manage the transition.

Maptician Announces Scenario Planning: Optimize Hybrid Office Space and Return-to-Office Strategies--ILTACON

With Scenario Planning, law firms are able to evolve their hybrid, RTO strategies in almost real-time.

Maptician Empowers the Hybrid Office with Release of Powerful New Feature: Presence

Presence helps professionals optimize their in-office time

Market for Hybrid Work Legal Tech Is Growing, But Not Without Hurdles

As hybrid and remote work options become table-stakes hiring features, legal tech providers are forging a path in the still-nascent market, and firms are eager to explore.

Maptician Postcard (4)

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AshLea Allberry