How to Add and View Seat Features

Adding seat features to a floor plan provides users with the equipment and amenities provided at a given desk to enable search, planning and reservation functionality.

To Add Seat Features:

  1. Navigate to Map Editor and open the map for which you'd like to add Seat Features.
  2. From the map, click on the seat for which you'd like to add Seat Features.
  3. Within the Dynamic Tab, select the Seat Features button within the Info Tab, directly below Seat Usage.
  4. From the Seat Options menu, select items available in the selected room. Items highlighted in blue are added, those in grey are not. When complete, select Save.


To View Seat Features:

  1. Navigate to your Maptician Home Dashboard, and open the Map Viewer by clicking on a map widget.
  2. Click on the seat for which you would like to view the seat features. Features are listed in the information window on the right side of the screen.