How to update Admin system settings in your Maptician environment.
The settings menu is located within the Gear icon found in the upper right corner of the screen. Please note: Only Account Admins have access to update all of these settings. Below is an overview of the information that can be updated within the Settings menu.
When the Settings menu opens, it defaults to the Dashboard tab. This tab allows you to control which widgets appear on your dashboard. To learn more about dashboard widgets, click here: Dashboard Widgets.
Within the preferences tab, you can update your units of measurement (metric or US) and update your time zone. Note: It is very important that your time zone is correct to ensure accurate reservations.
Locked Maps
The Locked Maps tab shows you which maps you currently have locked. If needed, you can unlock any of your locked maps from this tab. To do this, click on the map and then click the blue Unlock Map button. Note: When you unlock a map from this area, any unsaved changes may be lost.
The Organization tab displays information about your organization such as industry type, size, and address. You may update this information at any time.
The Environment tab allows you to set up various integration functionality such as external calendar sync, SSO setup, and access control integration. We recommend that you contact your Implementation or Client Success Manager to assist in setting up all integration functionality.
The Reservation tab allows you to customize settings specific to reservations. In depth descriptions of each customization option display within the settings menu. However, we have listed out some of the more commonly used reservation customizations below.
- Maximum Advance Reservation Time - This places a limit on the amount of time in advance your employees can book a seat or room reservation. Time should be entered in days. For example: If you want to limit seat reservations to two weeks in advance, you will enter "14" in the "Max Seat Advance Reservation Time" field.
- Maximum Reservation Length - This limits the length of time an employee can reserve one resource (seat or room). For example, if you only want them to be able to reserve the same seat for a max of 3 days at a time, you will enter "72" in the "Max Seat Reservation Length" field. Note: This field limits by hour(s). For example: 3 days = 72 hours.
App Version
Last but not least, this tab shows the latest version of the app running on your device. You can manually update your app version from this tab if needed.